Data Service Platform

”Data Service Platform” of Cnix was designed for factory automation systems to be able to transform legacy factories to single machine so that IT services such as A.I, BigData, Cloud and IoT can do their jobs with the best efficiency.
Data Service Platform would perfectly separate IT service layer from field layer , and load all data into network with their meta information from all devices in fields. It means what IT services have to know is only the name of data without regarding of hardware in field and IT services would not be affected by the change of hardware system configuration.
The powerful features of Data Service Platform makes IT services to be able to integrate, control and supervise all processes from the process of materials input to the process of final products output of big plant. If they need to link logically with high speed between each signal from different kinds of PLCs it can be easily done on Data Service Platform by engineering environments which is provided by Cnix.
Let’s imagine what if you have application software and IT services which can control and supervise the required all processes for your products in regardless of hardware configurations in field layer. Then it is same for you to get the single virtual machine for your products, which is synchronized in time domain from inputs to the last products. Even such application software and IT services can be packaged to be sold as SW packages for same processes, and reduce dramatically the cost for commissioning of plant replication. Data Service Platform of Cnix makes it possible.
Data Service Platform was designed and developed by field engineers who expertize in control system. But it can be applied to Smart City, too.
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